Twin Disc Pacific: Growing success

Twin Disc Pacific has served Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific region for 50 years, with solutions for vessels from yachts to fast ferries. The business recently upgraded its Brisbane and Gold Coast locations and launched a talent development/succession plan. Both have paid off in phenomenal business growth.
The new Gold Coast customer experience center gives owners and designers an up-close look at products like the Express Joystick System® (EJS). Two demo boats provide extra inspiration. That all supported an increase this year in pleasure craft projects, a growth market during the pandemic.
Growth also came from a significant territory expansion in Asia as distributor for Seakeeper gyroscopic stabilizers. Both Seakeeper and Twin Disc focus on making boat operation easier and more comfortable; there’s great synergy between the companies’ products.
The ability to deliver packaged solutions—for example, the Quickshift® transmission plus electronic propulsion control systems—also sets Twin Disc Pacific apart. The EJS has been particularly successful, now used by a number of builders as standard in every model range.
The company offers a unique balance of long-term employees and newer talent, driven by a passion for continuous improvement. Come meet the team and let us connect the dots for you, creating a complete solution that drives mutual success.